
Aspire, also known as the Birdman, explores Earth's flora and fauna through his art. He is known for his juxtaposition of beauty and the harsh realities of nature, creating a compelling narrative.

Through his pixelated paintings, he incorporates life-like objects, local species and his signature birds, captured through the transient essence of the environment. Aspire's work serves as a reminder that digital copies might be all that remind of our natural world in the future.

@aspireartwork |

Artwork Inspiration for Ashridge

Aspire's piece focuses on the nesting Red Kites, a bird of prey successfully reintroduced to the UK after near extinction. Until this year, Ashridge House had the longest nesting pair of Red Kites in Hertfordshire.

By incorporating elements from Ashridge House's art collection and architecture, Aspire aims to celebrate the house's cultural heritage and connection to the natural world.