David Watkinson

Artist Statement

David Watkinson describes himself as “a modern artist in its truest sense”, referencing his use of modern techniques to challenge traditional practices. Focusing heavily on kinetic pieces, he aims to create contemplative visual experiences by sculpting unfamiliar forms.

Watkinson began his training at Wrexham College of Art and continued onto Leeds Metropolitan University where he attained a B.A Hons in Fine Art. Since then he has worked as a full time sculptor from his studios in Leeds.

Information - About Exhibitions

Watkinson exhibits in public and private spaces. His Solo Exhibitions include – ’Unseen Forces’ A Kinetic and static Sculpture Exhibition at The Alnwick Garden, Northumberland, Personal invitation by the Duchess of Northumberland. A Kinetic and Static Sculpture Exhibition at RHS Wisley, Surrey. Personal invitation by The RHS. A Kinetic and Static Sculpture Exhibition at Borde Hill Gardens, Sussex. Personal invitation from Sir Andrew John Stephenson Clarke. A Kinetic and Static Sculpture Exhibition at RHS Hyde Hall, Essex. Personal invitation by The RHS.



200cm H x 125cm W

Stainless steel, Cold cast bronze and Stainless steel bearings



180cm H x 140cm W

Stainless steel, Galvanised steel and Cold cast bronze.



200 cm H x 125cm W

Stainless steel, Air dried oak.


For Information on how to purchase or to commission a sculpture please contact the curator Lucy Irvine